sexta-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2025

My Madhurya's personal Experience


Figure 1 - Guru Ma Shri at Rukmani Temple, Dwarka.

Summary from the Book Madhurya, the Rasa of Sweetness

The experience I have is quite different from Shri Krishna's madhura-rasa Indian expressions, because in Brazil there are so many people who do not know who Krishna is, with rare exceptions. But in fact, the Lord Himself explains in Rasa-tattva (2014): "There is no way to corrupt what I contain, because it is within Me and belongs to Me. I keep it existent while I intend to express it as something which makes itself contained for being My own Self sustained".    

While containing me, He makes me dwell absorbed in prema-bhakti, while I serve Him. I am absorbed in transcendental lila and it looks like a past event that makes itself present, in order to happen again in the future. But I believe that I do not make myself clear, it is up, however, that I must even begin to define what Krishna wants to express through this text and others that will become exposed further.

When He came to make me see Him, I was beginning to awake to the True Identity, which by the soul needs to be recognized and I had to stop what I was doing in this material experience, where I was occupying myself with a materialistic academic career that could never satisfy me (Ecology) for years (1986-2004).

So, the need to recover such an eternal relationship remained veiled, while Keshava desired, making me experience one of His devotees community and sometime of the association with people who seek for visions of subtle worlds and other mystical powers. Now I live my experience in different madhurya bhavas - swakiya (wife) and parakiya (lover) - as Lord explains in Rasa Tattva that we are the same people, deeply convinced in donating ourselves reciprocally by means of different ways of playing.

To be a wife or lover, either one of the two experiences is possible to the consciousness for which Shri Krishna intends to manifest Himself as pati and upapati, in exchange for conjugal feelings. He gives me incursions to one or another of their universes intercalated, so I can more consistently analyze what it means to be on one side and the other of such a condition.

There is a strong intention to unite with my Lord in a deeper way. The union that sometimes seems like that I want to live would blow me to the Source that contains me. But, in no way do I want to deprive myself of the opportunity to relate with Him. Besides, in the further deepening of this relationship, I see no difference between here and there and my world becomes completely transcendental.

The love that we reciprocate in sweetness, through which Shyam becomes so clear to my perception, is unique. I am not even able to describe this feeling with written words, as I am trying to do so.

Being in a country different from that one where the world of Shri Hari always manifests itself (India), I need to clarify that one should not believe that the presence of the Lord is confined to particular boundaries. Shri Krishna is everywhere; physical boundaries do not delimit Him and His associates. 

The Lord and soul have no nationality, it does not matter whether the body is white or dark, masculine or feminine. When the soul lives a surrendered life to Krishna, it is free from any external qualification. Those who live this profound experience of transcendental love with Him, who is the Source of all that is, has nothing to fear.

While commenting on Jaiva-dharma (of Shrila Bhaktivinoda Thakura), in one of our dialogues, Krishna stated that: "This matter is extremely essential because through it the soul will exhaust what prevents it from being with Me. It is necessary to know everything that has been written and go beyond that, so that one can find what has not yet been revealed."
In this way He reveals Himself in a different situation, foreign to India. In this way He also answers a question that if Krishna is God, then why He only manifests Himself and to His pastimes in Indian country, which is often a question among Brazilians.

Dialogue Between V d and Guru Ma Shri

1. What is meant when you mentioned "it looks like a past event that makes itself present, in order to happen again in the future." What will happen again in future? 

I'm referring to the impression of eternity, which has neither a beginning nor an end. Life with Krishna is forever existing, so it seems like a past event, because the events of the lila happened at another time on the planet. At the same time, they continue to be experienced by the eternal soul on the transcendental realm, being present. Because they are associated with the cycles of the ages, they will happen again on the planet, hence the impression that the experience will happen again in the future. The eternal impression is like that, compared to the linear one.

2. Krishna accepts multiple consorts but then how conjugal relationship for different forms of God - like Shri Ram established since He accepts only one consort - Supreme Goddess?

Krishna and Rama are different manifestations of the same Supreme Person. They are the same Supersoul, expressing Himself in different lilas. In each of them, He decides to relate to His Consort in a specific way. With Krishna, She is in Radha/Rukmini and the gopis/wives; and in Rama, She is only in Her fullest manifestation in Sita, who is the same Supreme Goddess (Radha/Rukmini).

 3. In Dwarika swakiya rasa is prevalent and in Vrindavan parakiya rasa is prevalent, is there a place for love between two unmarried lovers (where both Krishna and the soul are unmarried in lila) or swakiya bhava (married to Krishna) in Vrindavan Leela or in divine abode of the Lord.

In Vrindavana, Krishna is single, but his lovers are married, so He engages with them in parakiya rasa (extramarital humor). In Dwarka, He is married to His wives, engaging with them in swakiya rasa (marital humor). There is nothing other than that and the consorts live their full experiences in such moods, with no need to create something of their own, other than what He Himself proposes.

5. What is Bhava? How do souls still present in physical body get access to it? Do they mentally conceive it ?

Bhava is a vivid and evident transcendental mood of a personal and intimate relationship with the Person of God, as part of His lilas. We souls present in the physical body, who have access to it, do so through our original eternal consciousness, which manifests spontaneously and/or as a result of a deep search for self-realization. It's not just a mental conception, because that in itself is very dangerous and can lead to self-mystification. Eternal bhava is actually the result of the purity of consciousness, which has transcended the merely linear world and the needs of the external ego. But the mind becomes an ally of this purified soul when manasi seva manifests, corresponding to the mental experience of the inner experience with the Person of God, even while there is still a physical body. This is an unquestionable reality for us who experience it and our only identity that will never be lost, because it exists forever.

6. In poetic expressions of devotees it is often mentioned that they have no desire remaining of their own and they completely surrender themselves to God, then does the devotee then do not even desire that God keeps him close to Himself, love Him and be loved by Him in rasa his heart desires the most?

The desire for God is not in question, because it is the only need that the devotee must cultivate. However, devotees have no other desires that are their own, i.e. that are not part of their intimate relationship with the Supreme Person.

Figure 2 - Pilgrims at Yamuna river banks, Mathura.

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Apresentação Geral

Madhurya é a vida se expressando como fluência amorosa, doce e linda. ...